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Biotech Support Group Featured in Book, "Functional Proteomics – Methods and Protocols"

Biotech Support Group was recently highlighted in the book, “Functional Proteomics – Methods and Protocols.” This authoritative and cutting-edge book, which seeks to fill in the current technology gap, features a collection of technologies developed for the study of protein function at a proteome scale, including much research work from BSG.

Functional Proteomics Featured in New Biological Research Book

The new book, Functional Proteomics: Methods and Protocols, compiles innovative technologies in biological research. The authors feature content and research that aims to forge new frontiers in proteomics, identify important drug targets, discover biomarkers and establish healthcare relevant biomarker tests. Chapters explore topics from protein functions to other aspects of protein analysis, in particular, proteolytic post-translational modification. As most biofluid proteomes use this mechanism to carry out their role in cellular regulation, a differential comparison presents an opportunity to associate with other ‘omic’ layers of system biology research.

For example, the Biotech Support Group contributed the chapter, “Methods to Monitor the Functional Subproteomes of SERPIN Protease Inhibitors,” Although SERPINs are found in a variety of functional on/off sub-forms, customarily they are observed and reported in aggregate. As a result, their influence on disease is missed. This chapter describes Albumin depletion products AlbuVoid™ & AlbuSorb™ and and demonstrates their utility to satisfy investigations of serum SERPINs at a functional level. Download this chapter>>

"This book represents a large body of our work, and underlies our commitment to all the endeavors of functional proteomics, starting with sample preparation all the way to functional networks. The book supports our belief that proteomic enrichment products are foundational for the functional and structural proteomic analyses necessary to characterize and ultimately to generate useful biomarkers for disease." -Swapan Roy, Ph.D., President and Founder of Biotech Support Group.

Commitment to Business and Technology Development

At Biotech Support Group, our mission is to help other leaders in the biotechnology and healthcare sectors by offering efficient proteomic separations with functional integrity intact, and how this offers researchers many new windows of observation. We are actively engaged in business and technology development and collaborative projects, such as being the co-editor of Functional Proteomics – Methods and Protocols. With liquid biopsy and accessible biofluids our focus, it is our goal to contribute to critical research, accelerate drug discovery, personalized medicine, diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Find out more about our commercial expertise, capabilities, and resources to develop novel technologies, innovative products, and services.

Citation: Functional Proteomics – Methods and Protocols

Wang, X. and Kuruc, M., Functional Proteomics – Methods and Protocols, publisher Springer 2018 and can be found on Springer.com. Read the full press release here.