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ViraPrep™ Lambda

ViraPrep™ Lambda

Base Price: $515.00

Product Code: VLK

Size (VLK):


ViraPrep™ Lambda

  • Complete DNA purification kit includes Viraffinity™, conditioning buffer, RNase and lysis buffer.
  • Extremely rapid and simple-to-use. The entire protocol is complete in less than 1.5 hours
  • Phage coat proteins and exonuclease remain bound to the polymer surface
  • Non-hazardous, no polyethylene glycol

Click Here For ViraPrep™ Lambda Product Sheet

Human mouth virus

Yu, H. T., Jiang, H., Zhang, Y., Nan, X. P., Li, Y., Wang, W., ... & Wang, P. Z. (2012).
Hantaan virus triggers TLR4-dependent innate immune responses. Viral immunology, 25
(5), 387-393.

Virus particles

Al-Jarbou, A. (2009). Metagenomic Analysis of the Human Mouth Virus Population and Characterisation of Two Lytic Viruses (Doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester).