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KinaSorb™ Kinase (& ATP binding proteins) Enrichment Reagent

KinaSorb™ Kinase (& ATP binding proteins) Enrichment Reagent

Base Price: $495.00

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Product Code: KE785

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KinaSorb™ Kinase (& ATP binding proteins) Enrichment Reagent

  • Non-covalent immobilization of phosphate group with optimal nucleotide orientation & specificity
  • Enrichment 3-5X Kinase enrichment, protein recoverable, ~200 µg
  • 60 minute, scaleable protocol compatible with functional assays, electrophoresis and LC-MS
  • Phosphatase activity & cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity not detectable
  • Improves protein normalization when comparing heterogeneous tissues
  • On-bead digestion protocols for LC-MS annotation

KinaSorb™ is a new reagent kit used for the enrichment and isolation of kinases. ATP – the common substrate for kinases, is reversibly immobilized with optimal orientation and specificity, to metallic oxide particles, producing a single-use highly efficient enrichment method for kinase & other ATP binding proteins. The standard prep protocol starts with 100 µl of clarified cellular extracts, or approximately 2 mg total cellular extract protein, but the process can be scaled up or down to accommodate different sample volumes and protein concentrations. The kit includes all necessary reagents for immediate use.

Click Here To View Kinasorb™ Product Sheet

Xing Wang, Michael Davies, Swapan Roy and Matthew Kuruc. Bead Based Proteome Enrichment Enhances Features of the Protein Elution Plate (PEP) for Functional Proteomic Profiling. Proteomes 2015, 3(4), 454-466.

doi: 10.3390/proteomes3040454