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NRicher™ Apo

NRicherâ„¢ Apo

Base Price: $595.00

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Product Code: NRICHER-APO



NRicher™ Apo

Enrichment of Apolipoproteins
  • Consumable chemically derived beads, species agnostic as they are not derived from antibodies
  • Enrich Apolipoproteins from sera or plasma from both animals and humans, >90% Albumin removal
  • Does not require any specialized instruments, just a standard microfuge
  • Bead format suitable for automation compatibility, please inquire
  • On-Bead digestion for LC-MS analysis, or optional elution for any functional, enzymatic, or immunoassay analysis
Apolipoproteins play a key role in atherosclerotic processes. Apo E variants are under investigation in neurological disorders, and in cancer there is evidence for modulating apolipoprotein expression. Thus, profiles of circulating apolipoproteins hold promise as biomarkers for the prediction of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other precision medicine applications. However, clinical immunoassays are not available for most apolipoproteins, and variants require special consideration. For example, the size polymorphism of Lp(a) necessitates a need for isoform-agnostic measurement. Thus, advances in the productivity and multiplexing capacity of LC-MS/MS, offer the potential for personalized profiling by simultaneous quantification of multiple apolipoproteins and their associated variants.

The NRicher™ Apo product is dedicated to Apolipoproteins to help in these investigations. Another BSG product - Cleanascite™ binds to only lipid-bound proteins, and can be used to investigate the lipid-bound vs. unbound profile. This may provide additional granularity to CVD risk assessment.

Click Here To View NRicher™ APO Product Sheet

Toxoplasma gondii

Swapna LS, Stevens GC, Sardinha-Silva A, Hu LZ, Brand V, Fusca DD, et al. (2024) ToxoNet: A high confidence map of protein-protein interactions in Toxoplasma gondii. PLoS Comput Biol 20(6): e1012208. https://doi.org/10.1371/ journal.pcbi.1012208

BSG Highlights from US HUPO 2024 and MSACL 2024

"NRicher™ : Family Specific Enrichment For Targeted Proteomics"

Abstract The need for new biomarkers to support personalized healthcare, has fostered numerous proteomic innovations. Still, a number of challenges remain. One is the preponderance of high abundance proteins and, concurrently in targeted proteomic workflows, efficiency and consistency in quantifying target peptides from different sample cohorts. This is in part due to the changing landscape of proteins/peptides not associated with the selected targets. A solution for both these challenges is now available through a suite of products called NRicher™. This bead-based technology is derived from experience of over 10 years at the forefront of manufacturing beads (i.e., ionic, hydrophobic, hydrogen bonding, aromatic, polymeric) with differential proteome binding properties. NRicher™ consists of consumable chemically derived porous beads, and an adaptability to bead cocktails, even with seemingly incompatible surface features; an important distinction of porous, over non-porous magnetic beads. NRicher™ products do not require any specialized instruments, can be processed using a standard microfuge, with adaptability to automated liquid handlers.


  • After NRicher , target peptides have enriched spectral signal, even as gradient times are reduced

  • NRicher sub-proteome enrichment can minimize acquisition time, collectively improving overall throughput, cost, and productivity

  • Investigate out of the Venn Diagram box. Specific target peptides that report functional and variant regions promise actionable insights and potential multiplex biomarkers for disease.