Research Article Cites HemoVoid™ in Blood Storage Proteome Study

News Release

Research Article Cites HemoVoid™ in Blood Storage Proteome Study 

MONMOUTH JUNCTION, NJ, April 17, 2018 -- Biotech Support Group reports on a recent research article describing the simplicity and efficiency of their hemoglobin depletion technology for enriching the red cell proteome, from human red blood cells.

The citation is:

Nemkov, Travis, et al. "Hypoxia modulates the purine salvage pathway and decreases red blood cell and supernatant levels of hypoxanthine during refrigerated storage." haematologica 103.2 (2018): 361-372.

The goal of this study was to use proteomics in part to understand hypoxanthine catabolism in vivo for stored red blood cells. It is still unclear whether accumulation of hypoxanthine in stored red blood cell units is clinically relevant for transfused recipients. The article states “Leukocyte-reduced human RBC from healthy donor volunteers were washed five times in phosphate-buffered saline prior to lysis in distilled water with sonication. Proteomic analyses of RBC membranes and cytosols were performed…RBC cytosolic proteins were depleted of hemoglobin using Hemovoid™ (Biotech Support Group, Monmouth Junction, NJ, USA), prior to high-pH reversed phase fractionation”. The authors conclude that hypoxia in vitro and in vivo decreased purine oxidation and enhanced purine salvage reactions in human and mouse red blood cells, which was partly explained by decreased adenosine monophosphate deaminase activity. The authors concluded that hypoxanthine is an in vitro metabolic marker of the red blood cell storage lesion that negatively correlates with post-transfusion recovery in vivo. Storage-dependent hypoxanthine accumulation is ameliorated by hypoxia-induced decreases in purine deamination reaction rates.

This article illustrates that our proteomic enrichment products work very efficiently without the reliance on antibodies. The ability to enrich for the underlying sub-proteome from the cytosolic fraction of red cells is a unique feature of HemoVoid™. That an extensive list of proteins were identified by nano-UHPLC-MS/MS demonstrates its usefulness in proteomic investigations” states Swapan Roy, Ph.D., President and Founder of Biotech Support Group. 

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About Biotech Support Group LLC

Converging with cultural and technological disruptions forthcoming in healthcare, Biotech Support Group develops methods for cost effective and efficient sample prep essential for these expanding markets. Following a tiered business strategy, the company continues its growth in the consumable research products area supporting the rapidly expanding installation of LC-MS instrument and computational infrastructure. For this market, key products include: AlbuVoid™ and AlbuSorb™ for albumin depletion, Cleanascite™ for lipid adsorption, HemogloBind™ and HemoVoid™ for hemoglobin removal, and NuGel™ for functional proteomics. From these innovations, the company has acquired knowledgebase and biomarker intellectual property assets that support discoveries of protein markers from blood, with special emphasis on early detection and personalized medical decisions for cancer patients. For more information, go to

Matthew Kuruc 732-274-2866,