Research Report Cites Cleanascite™ for Depleting Membrane Proteins
Biotech Support Group reports on a recent research report describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid clearance sample preparation technology for depleting the influence of pancreas membrane fractions in the isolation of endoplasmic reticulum

News Release 

Research Report Cites Cleanascite™ for Depleting Membrane Proteins 

MONMOUTH JUNCTION, NJ, March 1, 2018 -- Biotech Support Group reports on a recent research report describing the simplicity and efficiency of their lipid clearance sample preparation technology for depleting the influence of pancreas membrane fractions in the isolation of endoplasmic reticulum fractions.

The article citation is:

Waldron, Richard T., et al. "Ethanol Induced Disordering of Pancreatic Acinar Cell Endoplasmic Reticulum: an ER Stress/Defective Unfolded Protein Response Model." Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2018).

The authors’ investigated the association of heavy alcohol consumption with pancreas damage, with consideration of light drinking that shows the opposite effects, reinforcing proteostasis through the unfolded protein response orchestrated by X-box binding protein 1. The article states that the endoplasmic reticulum “RER fractions (100 mg) were extracted by shaking for 15 minutes at 37°C in buffer comprising 100 mmol/L Tris pH 7.0, containing 25% acetonitrile, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 0.05% sodium deoxycholate (Buffer B), in 1.5 mL Eppendorf Protein LoBind tubes flushed of air using N2 gas. Next, 75 mL of a 1:1 slurry of Cleanascite delipidizing beads were added, and the tubes were flushed with N2 gas and rotated end-over-end for 15 minutes at room temperature. Slurries were spun at 10,000 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature, clarified extracts were transferred to clean tubes, and pelleted beads were discarded.” The isolated ER proteome was then analyzed by OXICAT LC-MS. The study concludes that ethanol-induced changes in endoplasmic reticulum protein redox and structure/function emerge from an unfolded protein response–deficient genetic model. 

This reference shows the versatility of Cleanascite™ to efficiently remove lipids from pancreas tissue extracts, so that cellular compartments can be investigated.” states Swapan Roy, Ph.D., President and Founder of Biotech Support Group. 

For more information visit: Cleanascite™ Lipid Removal Reagent and Clarification, at

About Biotech Support Group LLC

Converging with cultural and technological disruptions forthcoming in healthcare, Biotech Support Group develops methods for cost effective and efficient sample prep essential for these expanding markets. Following a tiered business strategy, the company continues its growth in the consumable research products area supporting the rapidly expanding installation of LC-MS instrument and computational infrastructure. For this market, key products include: AlbuVoid™ and AlbuSorb™ for albumin depletion, Cleanascite™ for lipid adsorption, HemogloBind™ and HemoVoid™ for hemoglobin removal, and NuGel™ for functional proteomics. From these innovations, the company has acquired knowledgebase and biomarker intellectual property assets that support discoveries of protein markers from blood, with special emphasis on early detection and personalized medical decisions for cancer patients. For more information, go to

Matthew Kuruc 732-274-2866